Speakers' Bureau

Hear From People Who Are or Have Been Homeless

The COTS Speakers Bureau is one of our best tools for educating the public and sparking action and advocacy. Presentations are interactive and educational, tailored for group size, goals and ages.

Given by staff, board members, advocates and people who are or have been homeless, the presentations often spark interest in taking local action to end homelessness.

Common topics for younger learners include what it’s like to experience homeless, how families live together in a COTS shelter, the roles of kindness and empathy and what young people can do to have an impact.

Let's Get Talking

To invite a COTS speaker to your event, contact our Community Outreach Specialist at  802-864-7402 x 207, or send us an email.


Cots Has Adapted Discussion Games for All Ages

Part of our mission is to educate the public about the causes of homelessness, solutions to end homelessness, and actionable steps individuals and organizations can take to make a difference.

Our speakers lead educational, interactive activities that use real scenarios from our Housing Resource Center to teach players (both children and adults) about the challenges of dealing with and overcoming homelessness. After the games, we lead discussions that often yield unexpected and surprising revelations.

Male COTS staff member with a beard and glasses hands a woman a white towel over a counter.